FW: Updated demo script

Hi all, here is the demo script that I circulated internally.  If anyone 
has a chance to comment I'd appreciate it as I can incorporate those 
changes into my research in further specifying the script.


-----Original Message-----
From: Smathers, Kevin
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 11:44 PM
To: Butler, Mark; Tansley, Robert; Bass, Mick; Seaborne, Andy; Shabajee, 
Paul; ERICKSON, JOHN (HP-UK,unix1)
Subject: RE: Updated demo script

A *very* rough draft demo script attached.  I've also attached the 
result of one full day of work examining The overlaps between the course 
called out in this demo, and the ArtStor metadata.

-----Original Message-----
From: Butler, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 9:29 AM
To: Tansley, Robert; Bass, Mick; Smathers, Kevin; Seaborne, Andy; 
Shabajee, Paul; ERICKSON, JOHN (HP-UK,unix1)
Subject: Updated demo script

Hi team,

here is the word version of the demo script, in case people prefer to 
return feedback in that way ...


Received on Thursday, 4 December 2003 12:07:47 UTC