Draft, for comment and discussion at today's call.

SIMILE Key Milestone:

        CY2003 Year-End Demo


- Demonstrate interfaces and effective collaboration among all six teams contributing to SIMILE
  (SIMILE Core, Haystack, Jena2, Genesis, MIT Libraries, SWAD)

- Demonstrate a vivid picture of the SIMILE technical agenda, now and through end CY'04.

- Demonstrate progress and momentum to SIMILE funders.

- Demonstrate potential path forward and calibrate expectations among DSpace installed base & adopter community.

Audience (Who):

- HP/MIT Alliance Steering Committee
- HPL Internal Sponsors
- W3C, CSAIL, and MIT Libraries Sponsors
- DSpace Installed Base / Adopter Community


This Demo will focus on:

A) implementing and presenting demo #1a from the SIMILE Plenary.  Intent is to demonstrate Semantic Web- based technology that maps between two islands of records to aid discovery.

B) demonstrating connectivity between external client (Haystack), SIMILE Metadata Store, and content in DSpace.  Plan is to focus upon navigating data from the recently-revised DSpace History System Metadata Store.

It is not necessarily required for this demo that haystack be the client that implements UI functionality for (A).  However if analysis of the demo scope and schedule indicate that this is possible, doing so would be desirable.

It is not necessarily required for this demo to present demo #1b from the SIMILE Plenary.  However if analysis of the demo scope and schedule indicate that this is possible, doing so would be desirable.

Demo #1a requires further definition and tuning with respect to the scope, specific corpus, and specific mappings to be implemented.  Such tuning of the scope of the demo will be conducted bearing in mind the goals and audience indicated above.

Mick Bass

Research and Business Development
HP Laboratories
Hewlett-Packard Company
1 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142

970.898.6788 office    240.536.0765 fax
617.899.3938 mobile    303.494.5202 residence
bass@alum.mit.edu      mick_bass@hp.com

Received on Friday, 15 August 2003 08:01:01 UTC