ARL/SPARC/CNI workshop on institutional repositories (fwd)

Anyone from DSpace going?


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Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 19:22:11 +0100
From: Stevan Harnad <harnad@ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>
Reply-To: Distributed National Electronic Resource discussion forum
Subject: ARL/SPARC/CNI workshop on institutional repositories (fwd)

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Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 19:17:36 +0100
From: Alison Buckholtz <>
Reply-To: September 1998 American Scientist Forum
Subject: ARL/SPARC/CNI workshop on institutional repositories
Resent-Subject: ARL/SPARC/CNI workshop on institutional repositories

Workshop on Institutional Repositories
18 October 2002 in Washington, DC
Presented by ARL, SPARC & CNI

"Institutional Repositories: A Workshop on Creating an Infrastructure for
Faculty-Library Partnerships" will be offered in Washington, DC on Friday,
October 18.  Co-sponsored by ARL, SPARC, and CNI, this event will help
academic and research library and IT directors and their senior staffs
begin planning for the implementation of repositories designed to house
faculty works, such as articles, datasets, images, video, and courseware.

Speakers from libraries that are planning and implementing institutional
repositories will address key issues, including:

* what institutional repositories are and why institutions need them;
* what is involved in establishing and operating one;
* what are the key policy issues that need to be resolved;
* how to engage faculty participation;
* strategic and resource implications for the library.

The workshop will focus on the cultural and management dimensions of
establishing an institutional repository, rather than on technical

Register for the workshop online at <>. The
registration fee is $175 per participant.


Alison Buckholtz
Associate Enterprise Director
SPARC -- The Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition
21 Dupont Circle, Ste. 800, Washington, DC  20036 USA
T: 202 296 2296 x115 * F: 202 872 0884 * E:

Received on Friday, 14 June 2002 04:00:39 UTC