RE: FW: Jena in Haystack

> > > If you use the internal shortcut of directly refering to a
> > from
> > > another statement then the referred-to statement will effectively
> > treated as
> > > a bNode with a UUID generated as an anonymous ID. Internally that
> > enough to
> > > retrieve the statement. It is probably right that that
> > is
> > not
> > > exposed through the API but it would be easy enough to add it.
> [snip]
> > If possible, can you give me an example piece of code that would
> > me to
> > continue to assign statements MD5 URIs and be able to pull up a
> > statement
> > given an MD5 URI, preferrably without reification?
> As I said above you have the two choices at present in jena - use
> reification (in which case you can assign your MD5 URIs to the node
> reifies the stating of the statement) or use the
> statement-referencing-a-statement shortcut in which case the stating
> effectively represented as if it were a bNode with some internal UUID
> identifier. You could then attach your MD5 URI to this bNode via a
> property.
> If this latter sounds like what you are looking for then I could hack
> some
> example code.

The latter would probably not work for us because we would need to occur
for every statement added into our database. Similarly, the former
requires the addition of even more statements. However, perhaps the
latter may be the easiest way to get this to work for us in the short

> > I interpret the limitation that predicates must be QNames as more a
> > limitation of the S (syntax) in the M&S rather than of the M
> Agreed, it is a syntax rather than a model limitation. I assumed that
> might
> at some point want to write your RDF out, if only to a log file for
> keeping
> and so keeping within the syntax limitations would be useful.
> > In
> > fact, the model only states that Properites be a subset (not even
> > necessarily a proper subset) of Resources. It does not give any
> > syntactic
> > restriction on the use of URIs there for naming Properties
> At least one reasonable interpretation of the original M&S was that by
> requiring
> serialization via qnames it was restricting the set of URIs that could
> property names to a proper subset. The RDFCode WG has, as far as I
> understand,
> now clarified this and confirmed that any legal URIref can be used as
> property
> name which presumably has the consequence that some legal property
> cannot
> be written out in RDF/XML.
> > In any event, the most malformed URI we use for a predicate is
> > like <urn:some:test:predicate> or <test>. If the system would just
> > this down to the last colon (or perhaps in the first example, take
> > first
> > character? or maybe <test> is simply not a feasible class of
> > URIs),
> > or perhaps have a switch that would turn off this decomposition
> > N3
> > doesn't require it), it would ease our integration.
> <urn:some:test:predicate> is a legal URI and is fine whereas <test> is
> an
> (absolute) URI I don't think - doesn't rfc2396 require there to be a
> scheme:
> component?
> I'm not sure why you are are seeing the split algorithm anyway. As I
> in my
> follow up msg this morning the normal way to define properties through
> jena
> api is:
>   model.createProperty(namespace, localname)
> So for the split you are proposing then just call:
>   model.createProperty("urn:some:test:", "predicate")
> Does that not work?
> There is at least one change needed to this part of jena. Now that the
> has
> said that property names can use any URIref, even ones that can't be
> qnames,
> then the check that createProperty makes that it's localname is
> needs
> to be removed. We can do that in CVS now if that would help you but do
> careful of what violating this means for serialization of your data.

I completely understand your reasoning for syntactically restricting the
types of properties supported. <test> is also probably not a well-formed
URI. However, we have a layer of abstraction above any underlying RDF
toolkit that treats URIs as a base datatype, so I suppose I can add some
adapter code into the jena/haystack interface layer to intelligently
break apart the <urn:...:predicate> format by finding the last colon.
> > [Concurrrency discussion for RDB snipped]
> > So does this mean that the Berkeley DB implementation should at
> > not
> > cause queries to fail (a la ConcurrentModificationException) if we
> > perform
> > simultaneous addition and deletion during a query?
> The Berkeley DB implementation is a different matter from the
> database interface. All that discussion on transaction support for
> was just
> that - for RDBs. We don't currently support transactions for Berkeley
> because
> we couldn't make it work reliably in time :-(
> I thought that was fairly up front in the documentation but if not we
> should
> make it so.
> If transactions for Berkeley DB are a requirement then we'd need to
> with
> Brian (who is responsible for this sub-system) how feasible that is.

Can we follow up on this with Brian? My understanding is that the
Berkeley DB solution may be the only one that will meet our performance

Thanks again,

Received on Friday, 19 July 2002 10:51:04 UTC