Re: RDF, OAI, and application within Libraries

Peter Breton wrote:

> It seems to me that at least part of the problem seems to be that RDF is
> format-agnostic (RDF is the same whether it's expressed as triples, in a
> visual graph, or in XML serialization -- and there are multiple possible
> XML serializations), whereas the intent of OAI is to be directly
> parsable and usable.

Actually I'm not sure that that is the main problem with RDF in OAI.

The problem, as I see it, is that OAI requires not just well-formed XML but
XML validatable by a fixed XML-Schema. The whole point of RDF is to be able
to combine metadata formats and thus properties drawn from different
namespaces can appear in the same set of assertions. So while is it possible
to define an XML-Schema for, say, Dublin Core in RDF it is not obvious that
you can have a fixed XML-Schema that would validate arbitrary RDF conforming
to the M&S spec. It is this flexibility of property name spaces rather than
format-agnosticism which I see as the issue. The latter is actually the

> Would a specific OAI-blessed canonical XMLserialization fly, d'you think?


It is perfectly possible to define a simple XML syntax for RDF which is
XML-schema validatable, so long as you don't want any deep meaning to the
validation (e.g. serialize property names just as text, into attribute values
or into element bodies). Both Sergey Melnik and Brian McBride (and probably
others) have proposed raw RDF-triple-in-XML syntaxes which either do, or
could easily be adapted to, meet this need.

It is conceivable that the new W3C RDF Core working group might specify a raw
triple syntax which meets the constraints of XML Schema validation. OAI could
define/bless such a serialization anyway.


Received on Thursday, 17 May 2001 04:49:42 UTC