Re: Note: DSpace and RDF


Just a couple of things you may want to address in:

> 	<>

before www-rdf-dspace is announced.

In the section "How, specifically, should DSpace use RDF, both 
initially and longer-term?", it says: 

> Succeeding with this approach requires resolving the low-level 
> data typing issues that were consciously omitted from the initial 
> RDF-Schema spec, and expected to be drawn from work on XML-Schema.
> Resolving this issue is a deliverable of the
> current semantic web working group.

Since there is no semantic web WG at the W3C it's not clear what
WG you are referring to.

The RDFCore WG, whose charter is:

has a somewhat related but different deliverable listed in its charter:

  provide an account of the relationship between RDF and the XML 
  family of technologies (particularly Schemas and Infoset/Query) 

The Annotated DAML+OIL walk-thru:

contains a section [the document seems to contain some broken NAME 
attributes so I can't give you a usable fragment] that describes a 
way to use XML schema datatypes in an DAML ontology.  Does this 
address the issue you refer to above?

Also, the document says:

> This is similar to Peter Breton's existing proposal for a simple 
> O/R mapping layer within DSpace, except instead of the logical 
> definition being an XML-Schema (with perhaps only a subset of 
> XML-Schema features supported), this proposal considers the source 
> to RDF Schema.

A link to Peter's proposal should be added.


Received on Monday, 14 May 2001 15:24:23 UTC