Re: WWW, DBs and Transactional Systems...

>I am interested in integrating transactional systems like Encina or Tuxedo with WWW.
>The idea is not to connect to one DB but to several (heterogeneous) and let a 
>transactional system take care of the rest...
>Is there anyone who is also interested in such an issue, or knows any work done
>in this area?
>Mafalda Barbosa                           email:
>INESC -  Av.Alves Redol, 9, 6 Andar, Sala 642
>phone:   +351 1 3100290                 fax  :   +351 1 525843

I think the idea is interesting.  What do you really mean when you
say connecting Encina to WWW?  Isn't it like adding a user-interface
to a TP system?  Conventionally, the interface has been through a 
fill-in form.  WWW interface adds hyperlinks to the interface.
What do you see as the technical problems that need to be solved
other than mapping the underlying data model to hypertext?

Received on Wednesday, 27 September 1995 12:28:14 UTC