Re: Answer to TAG comment on error processing requirements

On Tuesday, May 3, 2005, 5:11:20 PM, Karl wrote:

KD> Dear Chris,

KD> Thanks for your comments on the Last Call version of the QA Framework:
KD> Specification Guidelines[0] - 22 November 2004

KD> After two weeks from now (on May 18, 2005), the lack of answer will
KD> be considered as if you had accepted the comment.

KD> Original comment (issue 1154):

KD> The QA Working Group agrees the former text was narrowing the scope of
KD> the good practice without good reason and made the new text broader,
KD> while illustrating it with the former text. Good practice 23 now reads:
KD>     Define an error handling mechanism.
KD>     What does it mean?
KD>       For each class of product affected by an error condition, address
KD>       error handling. For instance: for a language, address what effect
KD>       an error (be it syntactic or semantic) in the input has to a
KD>       processor of this language; for a protocol, address how a party to
KD>       this protocol should behave when a bogus message is received; for
KD>       an A.P.I., indicate what exceptions are raised.

KD> [0]

Thank you, turning the list into examples as you have done avoids
restricting the applicability.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2005 16:24:35 UTC