Re: psl align alt tip with WAI quick tip

Olivier Thereaux wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2005, Dan Connolly wrote:
>>In the WAI quick tips, it's phrased as
>> Use the alt attribute to describe the function of each visual
>> --
> I asked myself half a dozen times "each visual *what*?" before checking
> in a dictionary that indeed, visual was also a noun. Granted, I am not a

I forgot to correct the email address on my previous response, so it didn't go to the entire list.  I agree with you, but what struck me more was that the function of an image, if it has a function at all, is usually irrelevant to the reader.  No one wants to see or hear ALT tags such as "this is here to provide branding for our site" or "act as a background for a table cell."  

A simple "Use the alt attribute to explain the image" is much clearer.


Received on Friday, 29 April 2005 03:30:13 UTC