QA Framework: New versions !!!

Hi everyone,

In a major efforts of making the QA Framework more accessible to 
anyone, the QA WG has released new version of the QA Framework 

As the QA WG Chair, I would like to thank all efforts made by the 
participants of the QA WG and the QA IG list members, without them, 
this would not have been possible.

* The QA Handbook *
	A short guide to help a WG to organize its life. Chairs and Staff 
Contacts are most likely to be interested. Though anyone can read it as 

*The QA Framework: Specification Guidelines*
	A guide to help you to go through all the problems you might encounter 
creating a technology and writing a specification. Some of these 
guidelines will be obvious for you, but a few others might raise new 
isuues you had no opportunity to think about. A checklist (ICS) has 
been given with this document to control if you have forgotten or not 
to explore a topic.

*Variability in Specification.*
	When designing a technology, you might face very difficult topics, 
with very deep ties to conformance and interoperability. If you need to 
explore further advanced topics, we recommend you the readin of 
variability in specification.

* The QA Framework: Test Guidelines *
	This document is put on a hold, due to the lack of resources of the QA 
WG. If more manpower was joining the WG, we might have the possibility 
to finish it.

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Monday, 30 August 2004 16:12:52 UTC