Looking for tips and help for an XKMS CR test suite

Hello folks,

I'm writing to you on behalf of the XKMS WG. As you may know it,
this Monday we published the XKMS CR[1].  Dominique Hazel-Massieux
advised us to write you to get some guidance and benefit from your

XKMS can be seen as two set of web services, X-KISS that allows
to retrieve and process information stored in <ds:keyInfo> elements
and X-KRSS for maintaining public-key information (generate, revoke,
reissue) operations.  The web services are described as protocols
and have a SOAP/1.2 bindings.

The protocols have a common set of functionalities. For example,
the response can be sent asychronously or synchronously, one can
do a two-phase message exchange, send multiple requests (compounded).

So far some developers have been contributing test cases, that is
XKMS protocols exchanges between a client and a server that they
are using during their development[2,3].

We would like to have your tips in knowing how best to organize
those test cases into a sensible test suite. If you have some tools
available for testing protocols, they would be useful. The idea
I had was to have a common set of public key vectors and a set
of tests that can be run thru a script. The result of the tests
will help us fill the interoperability matrix and fulfill our
entrance criteria to PR.

Many thanks in advance for any feedback you can give us. 

If appropriate, we can invite someone from your WG to participate 
in one of the XKMS teleconferences to discuss these problems.


[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xkms/2004Mar/0005.html
[3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xkms/2004Mar/0020.html

Received on Thursday, 8 April 2004 10:49:21 UTC