LC-43 -- comments on QAPD template


LC-43 is a collection of 24 editorial and substantive comments about the 
"QA Process Document Template".  The QAPD Template is linked from OpsET 
[3], as a quick-aid for OpsGL implementors.  It provides a 
fill-in-the-blank template that will satisfy about 2/3 of the OpsGL 

At Boston, Peter (and Patrick?) took a critical look and generated the 
comments in LC-43.  LH made a first editing pass resolving many of the 
comments, and then LR made a second revision pass, resulting in [2].  It is 
thought that the Originator's LC-43 comments are resolved.

Change status of LC-43 to "Resolved".  Upon verification by Originator that 
his (their) concerns are satisfied, then link the new QAPD template [2] 
from OpsET, in place of the currently linked template.
### end ###


Received on Friday, 9 May 2003 18:27:14 UTC