LC comment for SpecGL : 'Group dimensions of variability'

Here is a last call comment from Jonathan Marsh ( 
on QA Framework : Specifications Guidelines (and Examples and Techniques)
received by the LC form system.

Submitted on behalf of: WS Description WG
Comment type: Substantive
The comment applies to: "Overall"
Comment title: Group dimensions of variability

Guidelines two through nine are grouped as "dimensions of variability," and referred to as such by themselves and by other guidelines.  If the concept of dimensions of variability is of this much importance, it should be reflected in the structure of the document.

Proposed resolution : 
Guidelines two through nine should be grouped, structurally, as "dimensions of variability".

This comment was submitted through the lastCall form system,
designed by Martin Duerst and Adapted for the QAWG by Olivier Thereaux.

Received on Monday, 31 March 2003 13:27:33 UTC