LC comment for SpecGL : 'Ck 2.2 list of classes'

Here is a last call comment from Lynne Rosenthal ( 
on QA Framework : Specifications Guidelines (and Examples and Techniques)
received by the LC form system.

Submitted on behalf of: Marc Hadley
Comment type: Substantive
The comment applies to: "2.1 Identify all classes of product. "
Comment title: Ck 2.2 list of classes

second conformance requirement refers to list of classes but its not clear which list it is referering to.  If its the list under guideline 2 then that list is non-exhaustive so requiring people to use that list is somewhat limiting

Proposed resolution : 


This comment was submitted through the lastCall form system,
designed by Martin Duerst and Adapted for the QAWG by Olivier Thereaux.

Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2003 10:35:31 UTC