The bad side of test cases

In Surfin safari, Dave Hyatt, developer of Safari and member of the 
CSS WG has said:

	"""In a fit of honesty, I'll even give an example
	from Safari. Many standards charts have asserted
	that Safari supports min-width and max-width.
	How wrong you are. Safari only supports these
	properties on non-positioned non-replaced
	elements, but I fooled you, didn't I? I managed to
	implement just enough to pass the common test
	cases, because the feature wasn't deeply tested
	by those of you building your charts. Mozilla's
	support for this feature is superior to Safari's, but
	the two browsers have been ending up with the
	same "score" for min/max-width support."""

Read the full article. In the completion of a Test Suite with test 
cases, how do we define the depth of it, where does it stop? I 
pointed to this comment because we have started to write the Test 

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Sunday, 22 June 2003 06:07:55 UTC