LC comment for SpecGL : 'Grammatical error in Scope'

Here is a last call comment from Stephanie Troeth ( 
on QA Framework : Specifications Guidelines (and Examples and Techniques)
received by the LC form system.

Submitted on behalf of: N/A
Comment type: Editorial
The comment applies to: "Abstract, Status,..."
Comment title: Grammatical error in Scope

"Section 3 defines explains how to make conformance claims that W3C TRs satisfy the requirements of section 2. It defines conformance for this document"

It seems as if either 'defines' or 'explains' is meant, not both. The first sentence is grammatically incorrect, thus the intended meaning is unclear. The second sentence might seem superfluous, depending on the intended meaning of the first.

Proposed resolution : 


This comment was submitted through the lastCall form system,
designed by Martin Duerst and Adapted for the QAWG by Olivier Thereaux.

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2003 17:38:11 UTC