Re: QA Spec Guidelines and Modular Technologies

Lofton Henderson writes:
>ISO has a formal notion of a multi-part standard.  I don't find that in 
>W3C, although there is this interesting line in W3C Manual of Style:

>"Title [(ACRONYM)] ["Specification"] ["Part" Part_Number] [: Subtitle] 
>["Module"] [(nth "Edition")] ["Version" Version_Number]"

>The "["Part" Part_Number]" is not explained (nor are any of the other 
>bits).  Perhaps this would be a useful concept to develop further in
>W3C, given that standards like CSS3 are already going that way.

>Then, SpecGL could be applied to an individual part, but in the context
>of all of the *currently published* parts.  For example, each part need
>not replicate an almost identical Conformance Clause, but an appropriate 
>general-purpose one must exist in one of the published parts, and must
>be easy to find from each given part.

Consider the example of XML Schema Part 2, which has become the main
W3C spec for datatypes. Technologies other than XML Schema are using
that spec, without Schema Part 1, as their datatype spec. I'd say it
needs the SpecGL techniques on its own, not just as part of Schema.
.................David Marston

Received on Sunday, 17 August 2003 11:12:47 UTC