Re: XHTML Tips Rant

> It's also annoying when people don't define their acronyms. I
> mean, use <acronym, man!

Yes! But there are some caveats to that:-

* Expand acronyms only when the acronyms are not universally reognized
(author discretion)
* Note that support for the <acronym> and <abbr> elements are at best dodgy
in the older browsers. Consider using parentheses, or even ruby, which is
backwards compatable
* If you can link to further information about what the acronym stands for,
do so. Only do that for the first instance in the document, though


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Sunday, 16 September 2001 00:14:18 UTC