Re: DOM Validation

Karl Dubost wrote:
> Philippe,
> One of my action item is to bring up a question to you and/or DOM WG
> Question: Does it make sense to create a DOM validator, and does it
> make sense to talk about DOM validation?

If you are able to compile/interpret the code, yes it is possible to
have a DOMalidator.

Java DOMalidator:
Doing a DOMalidator for Java would be useless, users
are used to follow the APIs and not use proprietary extensions. If
they do, it will be due to the limitations of the API itself
(bootstrapping, ..).

Javascript DOMalidator:
1- Take an OpenSource Javascript interpreter (compatible with ECMAScript
262 3rd if possible)
2- provide an ECMAScript DOM implementation
3- provide a minimun set of well-known predefined functions/objects.
3- Run your Javascript DOM application. Don't forget to generate
fake user events if you have listeners. Everytime the user is doing a bad
operation (such as calling a non defined function, doing an invalid operation
on the DOM tree, ...), report an error.

If you can get 1 & 2 for free (i.e. you don't have to develop it yourself) and
can easily hook them, then yes, it is possible for a student to do a DOMalidator.
if you only have 1, then it will requires more time but it is still possible.
if you don't have 1, then forget it.


Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 10:41:40 UTC