Re: Test case metadata: Purpose and Description

What if the "purpose" appears to be part of the "title" (see WCAG test [1] 
title of
" Test 1 - All img elements have an alt attribute")?


This might even be a "description" of the test files for this test, because 
there are two test files given,
one having img element containing an alt attribute and one having img 
element not containing an alt attribute..

As a larger question, it seems to me that filling out entries for 
"purpose", "description", and some other
metadata terms may involve some "duplication" of information in some form 
(for example, do "purpose" and "description" contain basically the same 
information in different form, one shorter, one longer?).   If this 
perception is true, the effort for management/classification of test 
cases/test suites may be increased.
Shouldn't each metadata term capture basically "unique" information not 
replicated elsewhere?

What uses does the QAWG plan for this test case metadata?    If for 
classification in a larger test case management system, who will do the 
classifying (the WGs or the QAWG)?    If the WGs, what guidance
will be given them?

Thanks and best wishes
Tim Boland NIST  

Received on Thursday, 1 September 2005 17:43:04 UTC