Re: XQuery TS documentation

NIST is very much involved in the XQuery testing effort.  I'll be back in 
the office next week (aug 1), if there is something in particular you are 
looking for or interested in - I can talk to our guy.


At 11:44 AM 7/25/2005, wrote:

>Dom writes:
> >...I found some guidelines on how to write test for this particular test 
> suite:
> > 
> umentation/Guidelines%20for%20Test%20Submission.html
> >(Member-only at this time)
> >Dave, was there anything else you were referring to?
>I guess not. The guidelines presume that you will have downloaded the 
>current version of the suite, from which you will get the existing version 
>of the catalog, its schema, and any explanatory material.
>.................David Marston

Received on Monday, 25 July 2005 17:51:47 UTC