[SpecGL] Wording for write test

AI-20050131-6 (KD) to provide new wording for "write tests" in SpecGL, 

5 Good Practice C: Write sample code or tests

[[[ What does it mean? For each feature, the Working Group might seek 
early implementation to demonstrate the feature. If early 
implementations are not available (e.g., due to commercial constraints, 
IPR, etc.), it is beneficial to write test cases to illustrate a 
concept or use case of the technology. Additionally, these test cases 
can be incorporated into a test suite.

New text:

What does it mean? For each feature, the Working Group might seek early 
implementation to demonstrate the feature. If early implementations are 
not available (e.g., due to commercial constraints, IPR, etc.), it is 
beneficial to write test cases to illustrate a concept or use case of 
the technology. It will be easier to study the interactions between the 
different parts of the specification and reveal some problems. 
Additionally, these test cases can be incorporated into a test suite.

Karl Dubost - http://www.w3.org/People/karl/
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Thursday, 3 February 2005 22:53:46 UTC