New WG version of ViS (was: Agenda: August 22 2005 QA WG Telconf)


Le jeudi 18 août 2005 à 16:50 -0400, Karl Dubost a écrit :
> 7.) Graphics and Reorganization of Variability in Specification [6]
>      Lead: Karl Dubost/Dominique Hazael-Massieux
>      Graphics [5]
>      Reorganization - Deadline 22th

I've posted a new Editors version of Variability in Specifications at:

It features:
* a reorganization of the content as was discussed back in June [1];
I've moved Umbrella Spec as an appendix, and for sake of logical
organization, I've made the acknowledgements section and the references
section appendices as well
* Karl's new diagrams; I expect this is what we need the most to discuss
at this point given the recent reactions
* updated references to SpecGL (now a Rec, woohoo!)

I've removed the ISSUE about how to go from spec category analysis to
CoP; unless someone wants to volunteer to draft something in the short
amount of time we have left, I would simply not bother about this at
this time.


Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Monday, 22 August 2005 10:17:07 UTC