Re: SpecGL comment on "other QA framework documents"

What Lynne points out is also a big issue for QAH.  A lot of stuff was 
segregated to the "in-progress Test Guidelines".  At Santa Clara, we said 
that we would, for one more QAH publication (8/30), fudge the references 
within QAH to TestGL, as if TestGL indeed will continue on publication track.

So that must be decided at Reading.  If TestGL publication is cancelled 
instead of postponed, then what to do about the QAH references to material 
that was expected to be in TestGL.


At 12:28 PM 10/20/2004 -0400, Lynne Rosenthal wrote:

>In the section 'Other QA Framework Documents" we list the QAH and Test 
>Guidelines (planned).  Since we want SpecGL to progress to Recommendation, 
>and since it isn't clear that we will have Test Guidelines and I believe 
>it bad form to reference a future document whose future is questionable ----
>I recommend that we remove Test Guidelines from the list.
>I recommend we add our other documents, Specification Variability, and the 
>QAH Primer.

Received on Monday, 25 October 2004 06:05:20 UTC