SpecGL: 4.2A need for optional feature

Assignment: 4.2A Need for the option

Change 4.2 Good Practice A to
Make sure there is a need for the optional feature

What does this mean?
Add as the 2nd to last sentence.
Don't make something an option just because the Working Group can't decide 
on what to do or can't reach consensus

Why care?
No change

(replace what is there with the following)

* Make a list of use cases with the optional feature.

* Look at the optional feature and each class of product.  Is it something 
that this class of product would implement?  Consider if it really is an 
option - perhaps, for this class of product it isn’t really an option but 
should be mandatory.

* Develop an analyzer or set of tests to determine if options are 
needed.  Use the analyzer/tests to capture what implementations are doing – 
are they doing basically the same thing or is there variety and is that 
variety desired. 

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2004 19:37:00 UTC