Webont response to QA WG

  We, the Web Ontology WG, have reviewed issues CR-1 - CR-26 [1] which 
resulted from our
comments on the QAF.  WebOnt is pleased with the careful consideration
given to our comments by the QAWG (as shown in your issues list) and
of the considerable changes implemented or underway in to address
these issues.  We have no substantial concerns with the resolutions
described for these issues.

A couple of specific comments though (fthese are just for your 
information, they should not be considered objections or items that 
need response to our working group)



>Use consistent document abbreviations throughout the framework. [Ed
>note. Ask Originator for examples where this is not done.] (This issue
>is a proposed implementation detail of CR-5.)

Unfortunately, the QAF comment originator did not produce a
comprehensive list of QAF document abbreviations, or their locations.
>From memory, OpsGL was one of those terms with alternate

>Add conformance requirements to checklists. (This issue is a proposed
>implementation detail of CR-5.)
>LH comment: this would almost turn the checklists into test materials,
>instead of (currently) results summaries.

Exactly.  We had understood the checklists to be intended as tools for
the user of the QAF to use to evaluate and document conformance, but
they appeared to have been designed for the convenience of a QA
evaluator rather than such a user.  Perhaps we misunderstood the
intended use of these checklists.

Again, thanks very much for embracing our comments and acting on them
in such a major way.  We look forward to having the resulting QAF
available when undertaking future Recommendation track efforts.

[1] http://www.w3.org/QA/WG/cr-issues#detailList
Professor James Hendler			  http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742	  240-277-3388 (Cell)

Received on Friday, 28 May 2004 17:32:21 UTC