Fwd: Publishing Moratorium for May 2004 AC Meeting and WWW2004 Conference

QAWG and esp. editors --

This should not be an issue if we are able to stay on schedule for 4/29 
publication of new-QAF.  But if we were to slip two weeks, we would have a 

>X-Original-To: chairs@listhub.w3.org
>Delivered-To: chairs@listhub.w3.org
>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 09:55:00 -0800
>From: Janet Daly <janet@w3.org>
>Organization: W3C
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>To: W3C Chairs List <chairs@w3.org>
>Subject: Publishing Moratorium for May 2004 AC Meeting and WWW2004 Conference
>X-Archived-At: http://www.w3.org/mid/40631CF4.4080602@w3.org
>Resent-From: chairs@w3.org
>X-Mailing-List: <chairs@w3.org> archive/latest/2778
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>Resent-Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 12:55:23 -0500 (EST)
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>Due to the upcoming Advisory Commitee Meeting and Web Conference, W3C has 
>placed a publishing moratorium from 14 May 2004 through 23 May 2004.
>May Moratorium Dates
>Deadline for publication requests to the Webmaster: Tuesday 11 May 2004, 
>1200 EST
>No publications: 14 - 23 May 2004
>Normal publishing resumes: Monday 24 May 2004.
>Tuesday 11 May, 12:00 EDT, is the deadline for the W3C Webmaster
>to receive publication requests prior to the moratorium. Requests
>received by this time and which comply with PubRules [0] may be published 
>on 12 or 13 May, as those daily schedules permit.
>It is possible - and encouraged - to submit pubrules-compliant documents
>earlier than the deadline. The PubRules Checker [1] can help in meeting 
>that goal. Please schedule your work (reviews and publication requests) 
>The W3C Comm Team and Webmaster plan to resume regular schedules as
>of 24 May 2004.
>Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, and to
>contact Vivien Lacourba, our Webmaster (webmaster@w3.org) to schedule
>your publication requests.
>[0]     http://www.w3.org/Guide/pubrules
>[1]     http://www.w3.org/2001/07/pubrules-form
>Best regards,
>World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
>Janet Daly, Head of Communications
>200 Technology Square
>Cambridge, MA 02139
>voice: +1.617.253.5884
>fax:   +1.617.258.5999

Received on Sunday, 28 March 2004 18:55:28 UTC