June face-to-face [ACTION]

At 10:08 AM 3/15/2004 -0700, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>If you are one of those who are preparing proposal(s) for the June 
>face-to-face, please circulate specific details ASAP, but in any case 
>before middle of this week.

Well, mid-week has come and gone, and we have only one viable proposal for 
June f2f:  Santa Clara, hosted by Patrick and Sun.  That makes the voting easy.

Next, about dates.  Please email by Friday and give your preferences and 

My own constraints & preferences:

Constraint:  If at all possible, I would like to be back from meeting by 
21st June.
Preference:  week of 14th June


Received on Thursday, 18 March 2004 10:14:18 UTC