CoP vs. Profile vs. ....

David (& everyone) --

As input to its current f2f meeting, I'm trying to make a contribution to 
SVG to help sort out (for SVG1.2) a messy situation involving lots of 
DoV.  I have a question that I'd like your feedback on (by CoB today, if 

SVG1.1 defines conformance for viewers [1], in some "sub-categories":

a.)  Conforming Static SVG Viewers
b.)  Conforming Dynamic SVG Viewers
c.)  Conforming High-Quality Static SVG Viewer
d.)  Conforming High-Quality Dynamic SVG Viewer

So we have four kinds of viewers, generated by two orthogonal axes 
(static/dynamic, and low/high quality).

My initial thought was to designate these as 4 classes of product 
(CoP).  The seem to fit SpecGL's generic definition of CoP at [2].  Then I 
try to classify them according to our enumeration at [3].  Problem:  I 
don't understand the brief abstract definitions at [3] well enough apply 
them to a-d above.  (Recommendation:  we *really* need a lot of stuff in 
SpecET, or else a Quick Tips linked from SpecET, that disambiguates and 
helps people apply this concept.)

Can you suggest a classification of a-d according to [3]?  E.g., #a--3rd 
bullet, #b--5th bullet, etc.

Although all 4 seemed to me to be CoP (at least the way they're treated in 
the Conformance Clause [1]), it then occurred to me:  maybe #a & #c are two 
profiles (or levels?) of the same CoP (SVG static viewer), and #b & #d are 
two profiles of another CoP (SVG dynamic viewer).

Then it occurred to me:  maybe all #a, #b, #c, #d are 4 profiles of a 
single CoP (SVG viewer).

There are lots of ways to parse it!  (And ... it is not a trivial task to 
apply SpecGL/ET to a complex conformance problem!)

What do you think?


p.s.  I singled out David because he drafted a lot of the CoP stuff.  But 
I'd be happy to hear from anyone/everyone.


Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2004 13:38:33 UTC