Re: Test FAQ: draft for discussion

The Test FAQ is targeted to anyone who develops tests or is putting 
together a testing effort.  Additional audience include: a) those 
developing specifications, so that the specs are written to enable test 
development, b) testing services and c) users

The purpose is to provide baseline information regarding what does it mean 
to create tests, how to get started, what is involved, etc.  Much of the 
FAQ documents what is already the 'norm' or considered good practices.  It 
is also envisioned that this would be used by someone new to testing to get 
a quick understanding as well as someone experienced in testing as a 
'sanity' check.  So, yes, it would support the development of future 
testing efforts - but not from the viewpoint of providing explicit 
requirements for what must be in a test case or what tests to build, or how 
to build a test, etc.


At 02:34 PM 12/20/2004, Tim Boland wrote:

>What is the purpose of the Test FAQ?  Is it to document existing practices
>in the WGs, or to support the development of future testing efforts?    If
>the former, I can report on some existing efforts (both WCAG and CSS have
>devoted some attention to test case authoring "guidelines")..
>Also, who is the audience for this document (the same as for SpecGL or

Received on Tuesday, 21 December 2004 14:10:45 UTC