Re: [Issue-SpecGL] Conformance wording and SpecGL

Le mer 04/08/2004 à 21:49, Karl Dubost a écrit :
> In SpecGL
> We say:
> 	Good Practice:
> 	In the conformance clause, define how normative language is expressed.

FWIW, most specifications do this in a different section (usually titled
"Terminology"); I'm not sure there is any benefit to make this change.
Said otherwise, I don't think we need to move the RFC keywords
boilerplate in the conformance section; linking the "terminology"
section from there sounds like a good idea, though.

I wonder if we should revise our GP accordingly.

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Friday, 6 August 2004 04:49:24 UTC