Re: QA WG Action Items reminder

At 08:52 AM 10/29/03 -0500, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux wrote:
>The following action items are overdue; please reply to the list to given 
>an update on their status or propose a new deadline.
>AI-20030306-1: Send QA contact for Karl in the matrix (deadline: 2003-03-13)

Void.  (Which means, I followed up on it one time, without success -- get 
them [WCAG] to give a "QA Moderator" name for  TheMatrix.  From Boulder 
f2f, I recall that Olivier is going to try to work with WCAG on 
in-reach?  Maybe he can get a name?)

>A-2003-03-07-4:  Update the QA PD template and message to chair list 
>(deadline: 2003-03-20)

Update done.  Message moot/void.

>AI-20030106-3: Executive Summary of OpsGL (deadline: 2003-04-15)

Done.  (More accurately, void -- this was AI was dependent on help from 
Janet Daly, which I solicited twice with no success.)

>AI-20030618-4:  integrate the new markup/styling  (deadline: 2003-07-15)


>AI-20030825-01: Contact Kirill for New microsoft member in the WG 
>(deadline: 2003-10-01)

Done.  (Void -- tried twice by email and even phone.  No reply.)

>Dom (through the action-items auto-reminder)

Very nice!


Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2003 10:55:07 UTC