Re: Idea for participation in WWW2004 (longish)

There seems to be general interest in the panel idea, and so ...

At 03:10 PM 10/6/03 -0400, wrote:
>[...] Lofton indicated that QAWG
>should discuss this and accept/decline/modify at the next telecon.

That will be Wednesday, 15th October, 11am EDT (assuming bridge request is 

David is on vacation then, and that is the deadline for submission of the 
panel idea.

Any ideas, how we can get the proposal submitted?  How about:

1.) David draft the proposal;
2.) QAWG discuss on 10/15;
3.) Revise and submit.

Question.  Who should do #3, and be identified formally (in the submission) 
as the submitter/proposer/sponsor of the panel...  David?  QAWG/IG?  Other?

#1 is mostly done with David's original message.


Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 12:47:40 UTC