New verbiage for CP 8.4 <- AI-2003-0122-2 (was: "Draft minutes" of January 22, 2003 Teleconference)

Le jeu 23/01/2003 à 15:45, Sandra Martinez a écrit : 
> AI-2003-0122-2: Dominique to formulate text for issue AR-023 on CP 8.4.
> (DH): A policy statement should be added to the checkpoint, adding a 
> testable aspect in this draft.
> (DM): Would you provide the verbiage?
> (DH): I will try to come up with some verbiage to discuss offline via e-mail.
Here is my proposed verbiage for checkpoint 8.4: 
Promote consistent handling of discretionary choices. 

Conformance Requirement: the specification MUST document the identified
policies for handling discretionary items 

Rationale: this helps identifying where the specification could actually
factorize these policies, so that implementations could handle
consistently discretionary items - users have an expectation of what to
expect and should be able to count on getting the same results under the
same conditions with a given implementation. 

Note that the Working Group believes that given identical conditions,
the effect of a discretionary choice should be consistent within a
single implementation, and thus, that specifications should enforce it. 

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2003 11:25:11 UTC