Re: "Draft minutes" of January 22, 2003 Teleconference


On Thursday, Jan 23, 2003, at 23:45 Asia/Tokyo, Sandra Martinez wrote:

> Summary of New Action Items:
> AI-2003-0122-1: David to draft rational for CP 8.3.
> AI-2003-0122-2: Dominique to formulate text for issue AR-023 on CP 8.4.

Please note:
- all actions items should have a deadline. In the absence thereof, the 
AI maintainer may add crazy, absurd ones without the group's consent ;)
- try to be consistent in the way you record the AIs, that would ease 
my job.
e.g: AI-YYYYMMDD-N Who What. Deadline

Thank you.


Received on Thursday, 23 January 2003 20:39:47 UTC