AI-20030106-5 QA Kit Summary - done


    Ownership of Kit. Write a summary of what needs to be done for the kit

We need a kit to invite people to input more QA in their work, 
documents, easily and in a painless way. This is a list of ideas I 
have gathered and that will be necessary to develop.

***Quick Start on QA: Your Swiss Knife tool for QA at W3C***

+ Simple things you can do to start QA.

    - Designate a QA person in your WG
    - Review your WG against the Checkpoints Priority 1
	of Ops Guidelines
    - Review your specification against the checkpoints Priority 1
	of Spec Guidelines
    - Define Editors manual and Editing policy of your document at
	the begining. If necessary define the markup.
	Do not wait. It will be a big burden to do it later.

    - Kit to prepare Publication
	(for example last Call)
	(coordinate with Steve Bratt on that)
    - How-To answers basic questions?
	I need a TS?
	Where do I put my copyright for test?
	How I organize my Implementation reports?
	(New questions will be added with time)
	How to ask resources to my own AC Rep?
     - Highlight the point which are authorized and not clear in the 
process documents like
	Have more than one person of the same company in a WG?
	How to write the charter for that?

Target (people? at which stage? experienced? new? start of WG?)
	When writing the kit we have to explicitely says who will be 
the most interested by the point: Chair, Staff Contact, WG as a 
whole, AC Rep, etc. with a specific markup in the Kit so we could 
extract list of things which are for one specific person.

	Create Quicktips for QA

	Tools which are needed for QA or closely related to QA.
	- Issues trackers?
	- Methods?
	- etc.

Your ideas are more than welcome.

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Thursday, 16 January 2003 17:05:37 UTC