RE: Thursday (6/27) telcon agenda (revised)

Same here, might be only on the first half - trying to ship a product as


-----Original Message-----
From: Dimitris Dimitriadis [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 9:59 AM
To: Lofton Henderson
Subject: Re: Thursday (6/27) telcon agenda (revised)


Demi-regrets; I will only be able to attend the first or second half of
the call (not sure which yet) as I managed to mess up my calendar and
thought this would be on the new changed time. 




2 pm EDT means 8 pm CET, right? 



On Thursday, June 27, 2002, at 01:06 AM, Lofton Henderson wrote: 


	(*** NOTE!  The telcon time is 2pm EDT, not 2:30 as I mistakenly
wrote before. ***) 


	QAWG participants -- 


	Please reply (to list) with "regrets", if you know that you
can't make the 2002-06-27 telcon. 


	This telcon is at old time of 2:00pm EDT Thursday, and is the
last one at that time before we switch to new schedule (on 10th July) of
10am EDT Wednesday. 


	The main agenda topics focus around advancing SpecGuide as soon
as possible to a new version for renewed IG discussion. 





	Please comment on this proposed agenda... 


	1.) Roll call, membership topics. 


	2.) Any logistical topics 

	        - weekinqa when quiet? 

	        - central bibliography (OT) [6] 


	3.) Future meetings 

	        - Tokyo:  news?  attendees? 

	        - January [1] 


	4.) Review-assignments matrix [2] 

	        - choose and volunteer by date [...] 

	        - need 2-3 SpecGuide reviewers (KD) 


	5.) Proposal to slightly revise Frm schedule (LH) 

	        - publish (2ndPWD) SpecGuide *only* in August. 

	        - post WG versions all other parts then, as planned 


	6.) Spec Guide reorganization [3] 

	        - Ch.1 and esp. sec 1.5. 

	        - GL.5 (flavors -> policy) rewrite 

	        - GL.3, GL.4, GL.7 (profiles, modules, levels) 


	7.) Issues processing:  Esp Spec-Guide issues. [5] 

	        - priority/processing order [7] 


	8.) Next telcons:  

	        - 10th July, regular bi-weekly, 10am EDT *Wednesday*. 

	        - (special -- Tech GL -- for 17th July?) 


	9.) Adjourn 















	Day(s):  Thursday 

	Date(s):  27 June 2002 

	Time: 2-3:30 EDT 

	Number of Participants:  15 

	NAME of Teleconference:  QAWG 


	Zakim bridge:  +1-617-761-6200 

	Conference code : 7294 ("QAWG") 




Received on Thursday, 27 June 2002 13:22:08 UTC