Re: reorganized Spec Guidelines

At 11:35 AM 6/25/02 -0400, Karl Dubost wrote:

>At 17:18 -0600 2002-06-24, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>Please have a close look at this before the Thursday telcon.  As I said, 
>>this is a first rough draft, and there are numerous open issues in the 
>>above referenced sections.  Our goal is to get a handle on the issue of 
>>"variability", so that we can re-open IG discussions on the topic 
>>("flavors are evil").
>:) hmm will the changes will be huge... just to know if the techniques and 
>examples will have to be modified often :)

The changes are huge in this version.  I hope that we, QAWG, can quickly 
agree with the basic principles of the new version -- "Dimensions of 
Variability" as a way to organize the topics and issues for further 
discussion.  Most of the Guidelines and Checkpoints are about the 
presentation and relationships of the various dimensions.

What I think will be most likely to change then is:  checkpoints that try 
to limit variability, like the (placeholder) CP 5.6.  So there will be some 
changes after this, but hopefully they will be pretty small compared to 
this.  We can discuss this, and should know more, at the Thursday telcon.

By the way, having gone through this with "Ops" already, this is why I said 
at Montreal:  1.) we should evolve to a spec grammar in which the 
Guidelines part and the Extech are extracted from a single master text; 
and, 2.) eventually the two parts need to be merged together into the 
single text, which probably implies eventually a single Editor for both 
(this is how we did it with Ops -- started separate, merged later).


Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 12:48:53 UTC