Re: January f2f Location

At 12:16 -0600 2002-06-17, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>At Montreal, there was discussion about Athens as the location for 
>the January f2f.  If we were to do that, then our f2f history would 
>look like:
>11/01:  Brussels -> Europe
>03/02:  Cannes   -> Europe
>06/02:  Montreal -> America
>10/02:  Tokyo	  -> Asia
>01/03:  Athens   -> Europe
>03/03:  Boston   -> America



Yes if you want a real equilibrium it means Asia again.
	No Athens but Asia.


Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

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Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 11:28:00 UTC