Re: Testing Guidelines plan

Attached please find a copy of your original document with some added 
prose as well as proposals for change of priorities and restructuring.

I should point out that this is not the result of iteration between me 
and Kirill, as my time frame did not allow that. In the future, you will 
not see editor only drafts such as this, but "finished" proposals, in 
accordance with our editing process. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Also, it may be that I won't be able to attend today's telcon, as I 
thought we would have changed time already,



<File attached: qaframe-test-plan.html>

On Friday, June 14, 2002, at 11:08 AM, Kirill Gavrylyuk wrote:

> Hi, all,
> Here is the plan for the Testing Guidelines that I’ll present tomorrow 
> morning on the f2f. It’s pretty much just a list of 
> guidelines/checkpoints – the prose is not ready for the posting yet.
> See you tomorrow.

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 10:57:31 UTC