SpecGL issues/highlights for telecon

QAWG participants --

Reference document:

This will be the main topic for the Wednesday (6-aug) telecon.  There have 
been lots of changes.  Please have a careful look before the telecon.  Some 
particular highlights/issues:

Minimally have a look at all "@@" flags.

Here are some specific places where editors need feedback.

-- GL3, GL4, GL7 (profiles, modules, levels)

-- text for GL3, profiles
	* profiles-modules
	* profiles-levels
	* CK3.4

-- text for GL4, modules
	* modules-profiles
	* modules-levels
	* CK4.4

-- text for GL7, levels, and its Checkpoints

-- how GL5 relates to GL10

-- CK11.1, "conformance *levels*"

-- GL8 discretionary
	* new bullet list (choice, options, impl-dep)
	* new implementation-dependent checkpoint?

-- issues in CK1.1 and CK1.2

-- negative disclaimers in DoV, CK10.1/10.2

-- rules for profiles as a CoP (Class of Product)

-- CK9.5, register extensions
	* (criticized in QAWG project review)


Received on Monday, 5 August 2002 19:28:11 UTC