QA css, QA template, etc

Karl, all, hello.

I think we need to clarify a few things in order to preserve consistency
on this webspace:

- Stylesheets: the stylesheet at /QA/qa.css is not, as far as I can see,
  an all-around QA webspace stylesheet. Rather a stylesheet for QA

Some stylesheets (/QA/2001/07/qa2.css, /QA/2001/10/qa3.css, at least)
are the ones widely used within QA webspace. I guess you're the author,
could you specify which is the "official one", and possibly copy it to
our root (/QA)? Or is /QA/2001/10/qa3.css (linked from the template)
going to be the official place?

- Templates. We should have templates for "daily documents" and for
  "deliverables", I guess. Do you have some time to work on that?

Something strange : the QATemplate in the repository, and the QATemplate
served at /QA/Templates/QAtemplate were different (certainly a mirroring
problem). I triggered a mirroring update, it's now OK.



Received on Friday, 14 December 2001 03:05:03 UTC