- From: Martin Hamilton <martin@mrrl.lut.ac.uk>
- Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 21:35:27 +0100
- To: martin@mrrl.lut.ac.uk
[Apologies in advance for the cross-posting! Martin] From: Wojtek Sylwestrzak <W.Sylwestrzak@icm.edu.pl> Subject: Web Caching Survey To: ircache@nlanr.net Date: Fri, 06 Sep 1996 14:31:06 +0200 Dear Administrator, Please forgive us any crossposting of this message. If you are not the person responsible for WWW caching at your institution, please pass this on to whoever you think would be appropriate. Thank you. Enclosed you can find a survey form on operational caching systems in Europe. The survey is conducted by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, Warsaw University which is hosting the Polish national caching project. By taking part in this survey, you will help to produce a more reliable and efficient caching infrastructure for Europe. This survey is regarded as a contribution to the European caching task force (for details about this initiative please refer to http://www.terena.nl/tech/projects/choc/). If this is feasible, we would ask you to fill out the online version of the survey, that is available at http://w3cache.icm.edu.pl/survey/ rather than responding by email, since this would greatly facilitate our gathering the results. Otherwise, send your answers to survey@icm.edu.pl. If you consider any questions to be sensitive or difficult to answer, feel free to skip them. Results of the survey will be published at http://w3cache.icm.edu.pl/survey/results/ Thank you very much for your time, John Martin Wojtek Sylwestrzak --SURVEY STARTS HERE-- ## Section 1 - General questions 1.1 Primary contact information First name : Last name : Title : Institution : E-mail : Street address : City : Code : Country : 1.2 Your hosting institution is a: [ ] College/high school [ ] University/research institute [ ] Governmental institution [ ] Internet service provider [ ] Other commercial [ ] Other, please specify: 1.3 What is the URL of your service ? 1.4 Would you like your service to be added to a public list of caches for your region ? [ ] Yes [ ] No 1.5 Is any online information concerning your service available ? [ ] No [ ] Yes, its URL is: 1.6 What domains do you serve ? 1.7 For how long have you been running your service ? 1.8 As a result of this survey, it may be advisable for certain cache maintainers to make some changes in the peering relationships with other cache services in order to participate in the larger European-wide hierarchy. Would you be willing/able to participate with your cache in a European hierarchy if suggested by the European caching task force ? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Probably [ ] Don't know 1.9 For those interested in improving the caching infrastructure in Europe TERENA operates the caching task force mailing list, tf-cache@terena.nl. Would you like to be added to this list ? [ ] Yes [ ] No ## Section 2 - Technical issues 2.1 What caching software are you currently using ? [ ] CERN/W3C [ ] Harvest 1.4 and below [ ] Harvest 2.0 and better [ ] Netscape Proxy Server [ ] Squid [ ] other, please specify: Please indicate the version of your software: 2.2 What type of network objects do you cache ? [ ] HTTP objects [ ] FTP objects [ ] Gopher objects [ ] Other, please specify: 2.3 Do you run your service on a dedicated machine(s) ? [ ] Yes [ ] No 2.4 What is the organization of your cache ? [ ] a single server [ ] a cluster of caches [ ] a hierarchy of caches under single administration [ ] other, please specify: 2.5 Please describe the hardware of your cache Vendor : Type : Operating system : Memory (available for your cache) : Disk space (available for your cache) : 2.6 Do you have plans to upgrade the hardware of your server(s) within the next 12 months ? [ ] Yes, please specify: [ ] No 2.7 Please describe the Internet connection(s) of your location: Bandwidth : Connected to : Internet provider : 2.8 Do you plan to upgrade your Internet connectivity within next 12 months ? [ ] Yes, to: [ ] No ## Section 3 - Access policies 3.1 Who is allowed to connect to your service ? [ ] Everyone, no access control [ ] Access is limited to domains (please specify): [ ] Access is limited to specific machines [ ] Access is granted to individual users [ ] Other type of access control (please describe): 3.2 Is your service a part of a hierarchical caching system ? [ ] No [ ] Local hierarchy (organization-wide) [ ] National [ ] International (i.e. you have some child or parent caches abroad) 3.3 Please list all caches you peer with (for each single parent or neighbour include the list of domains you are resolving through it) Parents : Neighbours : Children : 3.4 Do you charge for using your cache ? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Depends, please explain: [ ] Considered in the future 3.5 Can users at you site bypass your proxy? [ ] Yes [ ] No 3.6 Please describe any aspects of your cache configuration which are not covered by the previous questions, and can be of interest to other cache administrators (e.g. any non-standard caching techniques you use): ## Section 4 - Performance issues 4.1 How would you evaluate the performance of your caching service ? 4.2 Approximately, how many users are accessing your service ? 4.3 What is the peak load of your cache ? Requests/hour : MB served/hour : 4.4 What is the average load of your cache ? Requests/hour : MB served/hour : 4.5 What hit rate are you experiencing (percent) ? On HTTP objects : On FTP objects : On Gopher objects : On Other (please specify) : Thank you for completing our survey. --SURVEY ENDS HERE-- Conventional contact information: Wojtek Sylwestrzak ICM, Warsaw University Banacha 2 02-097 Warsaw Poland tel: + 48 22 - 658 49 01 fax: + 48 22 - 658 48 82 http://www.icm.edu.pl/
Received on Wednesday, 2 October 1996 16:35:47 UTC