- From: Reinier Post <reinpost@win.tue.nl>
- Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 09:38:58 +0100 (MET)
- To: Monica.Berko@anu.edu.au
- Cc: www-proxy@www10.w3.org, httpd@info.cern.ch, httpd@w3.org
On www-proxy, you (Monica Berko) write: > >The CERN httpd User's guide in section 4.7 mentions that cern_httpd has extensive built-in suffinx definitions. Can anyone tell me where these are listed? I had to add an AddType definition for .hqx files whereas I thought it could have quite possibly been built in. Use the hypertext version. In http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Daemon/User/Config/Suffixes.html#AddType there's a reference to the list of predefined suffixes, http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Daemon/Implementation/HTSInit.c In trying to set up a side-wide list of suffixes, I was surprised to learn that CERN httpd doesn't refer to the mime.types file used by WWW browsers and the NCSA httpd daemon. I decided to maintain a single mime.types file and use a script to convert it to the AddType directive used by CERN httpd. Some questions remain: is there an 'authoritative' list of suffixes? a list of example files? if not, can we join efforts in creating one? how do I register or announce my own MIME types? why doesn't CERN httpd use a mime.types file? since its inception, this list has effectively been a user support list for CERN httpd. would it not be preferable to create a new mailing list for this purpose, for example, cern-httpd@w3.org? especially now that httpd@info.cern.ch has ceased to answer questions. Cc: httpd@w3.org, httpd@info.cern.ch -- Reinier Post reinpost@win.tue.nl
Received on Thursday, 16 March 1995 22:39:41 UTC