caching - which machine should we use?


  we used since may the cern httpd 3.0 for caching (with about 20 
  accesses at the same time). in this month we want to expand our
  service to 300-400 accesses.
  does someone know how many performance one process of the cern httdp needs?
  has anyone expirience which machine we should use (buy) or should
  we use 2-4 server?

thanks in advance

                     R. Waldhofer 
 Ralf Waldhofer                  | Paris-Lodron University Salzburg
 Email: | Zentraler Informatik-Dienst
 Phone: +43 (662) 8044-6712      | Hellbrunnerstrasse 34 
 Fax: +43 (662) 629842           | A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

Received on Thursday, 6 July 1995 05:27:36 UTC