W3C Patent Policy

I applaud the W3C's decision to require royalty-free licenses of
patents covering W3C standards.  

Free software built the Web; so-called "reasonable and
non-discriminatory" patent licensing terms would completely exclude
free software from the Web of the future, which would leave it
vulnerable to widespread censorship, drastically increase barriers to
entry for publishers, and render content unreadable as the proprietary
software necessary to decode it becomes obsolete and unrunnable.

<kragen@pobox.com>       Kragen Sitaker     <http://www.pobox.com/~kragen/>
Edsger Wybe Dijkstra died in August of 2002.  The world has lost a great
man.  See http://advogato.org/person/raph/diary.html?start=252 and
http://www.kode-fu.com/geek/2002_08_04_archive.shtml for details.

Received on Sunday, 24 November 2002 02:24:11 UTC