Re: Comment to W3C Patent Policy


let me reflect to one point of your deliberations.

The so-called "cross licensing" agreement between large corporations are not
because one big does not want to "harm" the other big one, but it is often a
simpler way for companies with hugh patent portfolios of accounting
regarding patents who owns whom how much, and this year by year. So, it is
not free, that is not the point....In some cases, when the two patent
portfolios are regarded as equal value, from the accounting point of view
they look like "free exchange".

While you did not express a too positive opinion about large corporations,
let me add that most large corporations business modell is still to make
money with their products, while we increasingly see other organizations
(even, or mostly smaller ones!!!) active in the standardization area, whose
business modell is to put RAND IPRs into standards and to cash exclusively
(or mostly) on that.

Istvan Sebestyen 

Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2002 06:34:08 UTC