Regarding patents in w3c specifications...

I'd like to add my input on this issue. I strongly feel that any 
patented technology included in w3c specs be available on a royalty free 
basis. I myself do web development on an obscure platform (OS/2) and it 
would not be possible for me to do so if I had to start paying royalties 
on the technologies.

This, of course, is because I don't do it for money, I do it to help out 
my fellow warpers:) I should point out that I am far from the only 
person who does this sort of thing.

So, I can tell you that if royalties suddenly became due, it would 
probably render our platform untenable overnight as it's unlikely that I 
(or others) would be able to continue development if we had to start 
paying people to use the things we've been using all along.



* Jack Troughton                            jake at *
*                *
* Laval Québec Canada                   news:// *

Received on Friday, 15 November 2002 10:57:03 UTC