Summary of 1 July 2002 Patent Policy Working Group Teleconference


   Twenty people attended the 1 July 2002 Patent Policy Working Group
   (PPWG) teleconference. The meeting was devoted to a new RAND
   exception proposal circulated by three participants and the Chair.

   When non-royalty-free IPR is discovered in a W3C Working Group, a
   Patent Advisory Group (PAG) might have a number of possible
   outcomes. The proposal suggests that the Working Group's
   specification could be split in two. "Core" work to be licensed
   royalty-free would be produced as a W3C Recommendation.
   "Extensions" that may require royalties could be done at W3C or by
   another standards organization.

   One person suggested Extensions work be dropped. Some said work at
   the other standards organization needs to be a cooperative effort
   with W3C. One person suggested a hybrid all produced at W3C. One
   asked if the Core/Extensions split makes Extensions work less
   important than Core. The consensus seemed to be that specs built on
   top of Core work are valuable and that standardizing them is

   The group did not appear to universally accept the proposal.
   Discussion may continue when the group meets next on 8 July.

Best wishes,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Monday, 8 July 2002 04:13:39 UTC