www-patentpolicy-comment@w3.org from February 2002 by thread

the New RAND. HILL, WILLIAM (Wednesday, 27 February)

Extension or alteration of standards containing RF patents. Siva Mahalingam (Wednesday, 28 February)

RF comment Carsten Svaneborg (Wednesday, 27 February)

Timing of public comments [was RE: FW: News Release: World Wide Web Consortium Releases New Draftof Patent Policy] Daniel Weitzner (Wednesday, 27 February)

Excellent! Tim Sweeney (Tuesday, 26 February)

Last Call Issues list published Susan Lesch (Tuesday, 26 February)

Summary of 19 February 2002 Patent Policy Working Group Teleconference Susan Lesch (Saturday, 23 February)

More Followup on Treaties and Domestic Law Seth Johnson (Thursday, 21 February)

EC/BSA Collusion Detected on 'Tougher' Software Patent Proposal Seth Johnson (Thursday, 21 February)

EU Unveils 'Tougher' Software Patent Proposal Seth Johnson (Thursday, 21 February)

Followup on Treaties and Domestic Law Seth Johnson (Thursday, 21 February)

Treaties and Domestic Law Seth Johnson (Thursday, 21 February)

Summary of 11 February 2002 Patent Policy Working Group Teleconference Susan Lesch (Friday, 15 February)

Summary of 5-6 February 2002 Patent Policy Working Group Meeting Susan Lesch (Friday, 15 February)

BT Fighting for "RAND" Hyperlink Patent Seth Johnson (Thursday, 14 February)

Award Confirmation Distribution Center (Wednesday, 13 February)

Mold problem info@moldproblem.com (Wednesday, 13 February)

Music Teachers Required! Richard Grace (Wednesday, 13 February)

Need a new Computer? No Credit - Bad Credit -- No Problem! MyComputer (Wednesday, 13 February)

2002 Mercedes Benz SUV...Smooth Ride, Lots of Attention...just $499 a month Liquidation Specials-Mercedes Benz of Florida (Wednesday, 13 February)

Solution to RF/RAND? Karun Philip (Tuesday, 12 February)

Candidature spontanée Fabrice THOMAS (Tuesday, 12 February)

New Year HL---report 2002-2-12 webmaster@china.org.cn (Tuesday, 12 February)

Important Tax Information C.Barkely2@granite.mb.ca (Tuesday, 12 February)

Summary of 28 January 2002 Patent Policy Working Group Teleconference Susan Lesch (Tuesday, 12 February)

Re: Still waiting for the "Last call issues list" Susan Lesch (Tuesday, 12 February)

Ophthalmic Specials Envision Ophthalmic Instruments (Tuesday, 12 February)

PROYECTO YACARE P.YACARE (Monday, 11 February)

Hi, it's me Tiffany (5326FZhV8-211ZSmO3607Gler@24) tiffany344043@mindspring.com (Monday, 11 February)

Hey sweetie Tina Jensen (Monday, 11 February)

���ű��P�k-���z���Ʒ~���|[�u��ݨ�]!! 86735500@ms42.hinet.net (Monday, 11 February)

Register For Free ... earn extra income John Russel (Monday, 11 February)

Important Tax Information clipdepot@pipsc.ca (Monday, 11 February)

Emma UK, A Must See Registration (Monday, 11 February)

The London Morning Paper James (Saturday, 9 February)

法輪大法亞太網站 host@sohu-inc.com (Saturday, 9 February)

新年快乐 万事如意 Jeff (Saturday, 9 February)

Ϊ�����ҵƽ̨����Ӫ��ǰ�棡 �� (Saturday, 9 February)

== A Warm and Comfortable Home == YN Your Online PetStore (Saturday, 9 February)

Education software total solution Josh Yang (Saturday, 9 February)

Ϊ�����ҵƽ̨����Ӫ��ǰ�棡 �� (Saturday, 9 February)

¿Se Ve Su Sitio Web? ¡Mensaje Importante! (Friday, 8 February)

Les Grands Crus de Bordeaux aux meilleurs prix !! BORDEAUX BARGAINS (Friday, 8 February)

ADV: Weight loss prescription medication now! Save time & money! Elizabeth (Friday, 8 February)

2������� ��ǰ������ misba (Friday, 8 February)

nyCksQSfpueqMVo Where do you go on newyear's eve? PUB.PATINA@w3.org (Friday, 8 February)

JOIN FOR FREE!... earn an extra Income over the Internet Aly Yangson (Friday, 8 February)

Les Grands Crus de Bordeaux aux meilleurs prix !! BORDEAUX BARGAINS (Friday, 8 February)

Crystal Clear Conference Calls! K.L@wrdsb.on.ca (Friday, 8 February)

What's up? AmemberWhoCares@woss.com (Friday, 8 February)

SIXNET eNewsLetter - New Industrial Ethernet to Fiber Media Converter Newsletter (Friday, 8 February)

Special offer not to be missed !! Derek@technology-products.co.uk (Tuesday, 8 February)

Ϊ�����ҵƽ̨����Ӫ��ǰ�棡 �� (Friday, 8 February)

Ϊ�����ҵƽ̨����Ӫ��ǰ�棡 �� (Friday, 8 February)

Ϊ�����ҵƽ̨����Ӫ��ǰ�棡 �� (Friday, 8 February)

CdSoft -Software y Musica- CdSoft (Friday, 8 February)

Novità assoluta mailing@claimassistance.it (Friday, 8 February)

Your esteemed organization's details .. James Kalassery (Friday, 8 February)

World's First Player vs Player Blackjack P2blackjack@netscape.net (Thursday, 7 February)

equipment for sale Earth2Move (Friday, 8 February)

Switch Your Home Telephone Number to Talk America for Free and save money! Get rid of your local phone carrier for good. Peter Oliver- Talk America (Thursday, 7 February)

RE.WHY SOL LATE jenna_1554@yahoo.com (Thursday, 7 February)

八字新春開運 513381@pchome.com.tw (Thursday, 7 February)

Complete Internet Business dan482828@home.com (Thursday, 7 February)

urgent assistance dr.mrs.marian abacha (Thursday, 7 February)

about Humanist Movement 44 Tony M (Thursday, 7 February)

Correction to previous email. Virtumundo (Wednesday, 6 February)

[www-patentpolicy-comment] <none> MR DAVID NGALA (Thursday, 7 February)

Well I'll be damn!!!! SPAMGUARD@yahoo.com (Wednesday, 6 February)

POP CLIP TAIWAN STAR (Wednesday, 6 February)

Receive great offers! Menuts.net (Wednesday, 6 February)

" Redonner vie � la terre, donner vie aux vignes pour donner vie au vin " VIGNERONS ARTISANS (Wednesday, 6 February)

E-business security workshop: the USB smart card­ February 14, Paris Delphine HALLE (Wednesday, 6 February)

Help me please! Petey (Wednesday, 6 February)

We would like to get a copy of your media kit. josh.winters@webstream.net (Wednesday, 6 February)

�𾴵Ĺ�˾�쵼���������� ��ΰ�� (Wednesday, 6 February)

��� ���� ������������ � ���������??? ������������� (Wednesday, 6 February)

Crystal Clear Conference Calls! K.Brown@fotf.ca (Wednesday, 6 February)

Musiques et danses grecques ExtMusic (Wednesday, 6 February)

ADV: Save money & time! Weight loss prescription medication now! Elizabeth (Wednesday, 6 February)

Are You Paying Too Much For Life Insurance? EVVSYC TermQuotes@eudoramail.com (Wednesday, 6 February)

FAA - 14 CFR-Chapter 1 Part 139 CRM@Global2way.com (Tuesday, 5 February)

Download-Archiv f�r Produkte aus aller Welt Daniel Rothmund (Tuesday, 5 February)

2002 Mercedes Benz starting at just $299 a month...While supplies Last Mercedes Benz of Florida Liquidation Specials (Wednesday, 6 February)

fresh ginger and garlic ginger (Tuesday, 5 February)

Free conference calls! Edgar.P@chat.carleton.ca (Wednesday, 6 February)

CONFERENCE PKC 2002 - URGENT Cécile Osta (Tuesday, 5 February)

Considering China CBC (Tuesday, 5 February)

Para que ese momento sea el mejor Catering (Tuesday, 5 February)

Want to earn $1,000,000? No this isn't a joke, read on.... Philip Bray (Monday, 4 February)

(wrong string) � �y ��T�s�D��@w3.org (Tuesday, 5 February)

我叫張黎黎,喜歡我可以叫我黎黎. join_ideamore@hotmail.com (Monday, 4 February)

Happy New Year ---World news Center qyhope@163.com (Monday, 4 February)

Good New Year----health, upgrade, mind, body, heart, spirit webmaster@public.east.net.cn (Tuesday, 5 February)

聯強獲Compaq授權 提供桌上及筆記型電腦售後服務 �q������T@w3.org (Monday, 4 February)

a.d.v.: Learn to do your own legal research Barry (Monday, 4 February)

Laurence Barker Paper Artist Laurence Barker (Monday, 4 February)

学习 www-patentpolicy-comment-request@tux.w3.org (Monday, 4 February)

�þ�û�м������ˣ��㻹���� h7@sina.com (Saturday, 2 February)

Practicable possibility to build own future. Igor Tistsenkov: Please Read IT Carefully! (Monday, 4 February)

(����)����! 9,000������ ȿ����... yskhhb@hanmir.com (Monday, 4 February)

Auto parts (AIR HORN) car horn (Monday, 4 February)

Colorado Custom Bibles Colorado Custom Bibles (Sunday, 3 February)

Online Business Suwung (Sunday, 3 February)

我叫張黎黎,喜歡我可以叫我黎黎. join_ideamore@hotmail.com (Sunday, 3 February)

Casas y Fincas Rusticas Rustival Rustival.com (Sunday, 3 February)

Online Business james (Sunday, 3 February)

To anybody ---- mind, body, heart webmaster@public.east.net.cn (Sunday, 3 February)

FW: royalty-based technology Robert D. Henry (Friday, 1 February)

FTC/DOJ Hearings on Patent Law Seth Johnson (Friday, 1 February)

Last message date: Thursday, 28 February 2002 23:25:46 UTC